Mindfulness has been life-changing for many, but at least helpful for a huge number of people (read about some of them here). So, it’s great that you’re considering a course as a gift. Simply check the ‘buy as a gift’ checkbox on the booking page and decide if you’d like a gift card, which I’ll order from Moonpig with one of our designs. The cards are 132x185mm, are optional and cost £4. We can change the text on the front if you’d like something specific. On the inside-left, there is a list of the eight sessions, and the inside-right is blank for you to add your message. There’s a space on the booking form where you can let me know which design and any changes you would like:

Sample Christmas gift card Red 2
(Red design 1)
Sample Christmas gift card blue
(Blue design)
Sample Christmas gift card Red 3
(Red design 2)
Sample Christmas gift card Red 1
(Red design 3)

If it’s for a birthday, and you would like a gift card, we’ll arrange that for you too. Select the ‘buy as a gift’ checkbox on the booking page, and we’ll get talking.

Reserve your 8-week course gift

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