Learning mindfulness through a small group course is a really effective way of understanding our mind and become more mindful.  But, sometimes it’s not practical to attend a scheduled course – and so I also run courses on a one to one (or two) basis.  The length of the formal sessions tends to be a little shorter, around 1 hr to 1 hr 15. I provide printed notes and recorded audio meditation guidance for each session – essentially, everything required.

One of the areas of flexibility is the location – I hold one to one sessions at the Renewal Centre in Swallowfield, Reading (near Wokingham), or at a place of your choice, perhaps your home or workplace, with a small additional charge for travel if further than 3 miles. We can also arrange to run sessions using the phone or online.

The cost of a full course is £660 for eight one-hour sessions run live online, or £88 per session.

Do get in touch by completing your details below, and let’s arrange to speak on the phone…

Do include a good day / time to speak on the phone to discuss the one to one course.
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